Credit Suisses’s Disaster Recovery Data Center upfit included the demolition of the existing office space, architectural construction of the Data Center Room, two UPS rooms, a Paralleling Switchgear Room and Battery Room. Site work included the construction of a 100 ft long, 25 ft high retention wall to create space for the HVAC dry coolers, two emergency generators and power company transformers. The Data Center is cooled by the use of six 18-ton CRAC units using a dry cooler condensing water system. Cold air is distributed using a raised computer flooring system. Two additional 12-ton CRAC units were installed in the UPS rooms for cooling of the UPS and PDU (Power Distribution Unit) systems. HVAC for the Paralleling Switchgear and Battery Rooms was provided using existing building house air. House air was also used in the Data Center to provide positive pressurization and an emergency cooling air source. A separate BMS system provides controls for the HVAC system.